As we gather together to celebrate all that we are thankful for, an exciting opportunity Christians should be especially happy about are Holy Land trips. While not everyone may take a trip to the Middle East in their lifetimes, these adventures are a cause for gratitude in that they perform so many services for families and the greater Christian community. Not convinced yet? Here are a few reasons why Christians should be thankful for Holy Land trips.
Holy Land Trips Connect History and Belief
The Christian life is not about blindly wishing the Bible is true or that the people and places talked about within its pages ever existed. While there are certainly some mysteries in the Christian faith, the Bible lays out a number of historical elements we can verify and connect with today through Holy Land trips. If you’ve ever read about places like Capernaum or people like King Herod, you can actually hop on a plane headed to the Middle East and find the proof of their existence.
For those of us who have grown up in the church, it’s one thing to have read the Bible cover to cover. Something entirely different is to see the artifacts belonging to the Biblical time periods or to walk along the actual land masses mentioned throughout scripture. Taking Holy Land trips allows for us to combine our beliefs with the physical world.
Holy Land Trips are Fun
Before we get too academic or overly spiritual here, let’s remember how fun it can be to take a trip overseas. Whether you’re touring through Italy or taking a vacation in Sydney, getting out of the country can be an amazing experience. Traveling to the Holy Land is something you can do with close friends and family or through a religious institution with which you’re familiar. Either way, you’re going to have an unforgettable journey.
The Holy Land, Israel specifically, is full of attractions and festivities to enjoy while you visit. You can make the trip as academic or faith-centered as you like. Pick between national parks, caves, historical sites and more. Christians who are looking for a fun vacation they’ll never forget should be thankful for Israel being a solid choice.
Christians (and non-Christians) Learn Important Facts
Though some visitors favor the culture and entertainment, many people who travel to the Holy Land want to do nothing more than soak up the historical information like a sponge. Christians have a reason to be thankful for Holy Land trips, as these experiences are jam packed with terrific insights into the Bible and the history of the region. Without this information we would only be able to view God’s word through our modern view of the world. Thanks to the scholars who live in or routinely visit the area, we have the ability to understand so much more about the Israeli culture, past and present.
Christians may have a special interest in the region, but one doesn’t have to be a Bible believer to realize the Holy Land is a wonderful place of history and culture. As you are undoubtedly aware, the land also has immense value for those in the Jewish and Muslim faith.
Holy Land Trips are Easier Than Ever Before
For many Christians who have wanted to get in touch with their faith on a physical level, one of the greatest things to be thankful for is how easy traveling to the Holy Land can be today. The idea of seeing the Middle East for yourself would have been only a pipe dream for most only a century or two ago. Today it just takes some careful planning and less than a day of travel. Like any overseas trip, there are considerations to be made for time, money, and other important factors; however, a trip to the Holy Land is something within reach for tens of millions of Christians should they want to embark on the journey. For all of the negative things we can be wary of today, we can at least be thankful that modern technology has made seeing the Holy Land a viable option.
The Impact of Seeing the Middle East
Holy Land trips aren’t only a blessing to those who are able to see the location for themselves, as each individual is able to impact their friends, family, and churches with what they’ve learned from the experience. While seeing the Holy Land yourself would certainly be ideal, the testimony of our friends and loved ones is its own reward. Thanks to the simplification of picture taking technology, we can all see crystal clear images taken by those who have been to the Holy Land.
Through the Holy Land encounters of one individual, hundreds of Christians back home can learn about all of the wonders in store. We are thankful that Holy Land trips empower Christians to share the testimony of seeing the Jordan River firsthand and being able to describe the terrain where Jesus took his last steps.
Holy Land Trips Make the Bible Easier to Understand
Reading the Bible is an important part of the Christian life, but some people have difficulty understanding the more historical or cultural aspects of the story. It’s easy for us to look at the teachings of Jesus and the writings from Paul and take away basic truth. What about those parts of the Bible where things are less clear? Holy Land trips allow for more understanding for Bible readers by allowing travelers to see the exact locations being discussed. We can be thankful for the preservation of this part of the world for many reasons, one of which is that its existence makes the Bible easier to comprehend.
Holy Land Trips Allow Westerners to Experience New Culture
What an amazing time to be alive! We can find all kinds of information about any subject online. What these webpages can’t offer, though, is the ability to fully immerse yourself in a different culture. Taking a trip to the Holy Land lets you see the Biblical landscape with your very own eyes, smell the air and taste the local cuisine. Although Westerners can see plenty of wonderful sights at home, Holy Land travel gives you a whole new experience.
These are just a few of the reasons why Christians should be thankful for Holy Land trips. Whether you plan to travel to the Middle East or you’re simply looking at your vacation options, we think it’s clear to see that Holy Land trips are an incredible way to grow in your faith and see the world.
Premier Israel wants to help you enjoy the best Holy Land experience possible. Between well-respected Biblical scholars and world famous worship artists, our adventures feature some of the most amazing people you could ever have join you for an excursion through Israel. Find out how you can take part in our Holy Land trips by clicking on the link below.