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"In 2022, Lauren and I were able to visit Israel for the first time. I was expecting it to be insightful but I was blown away by how the experience brought the scriptures to life in a way that led to a greater love and worship of Jesus. I thought on several occasions that I wished you guys could see some of what we saw. In 2025 we're hoping that we can show you those things. We would love to invite you to join us for a new opportunity to travel to Israel and experience firsthand some of the places where Jesus and the apostles lived and taught. We will travel together to Jerusalem, Caesarea, Galilee, and more and spend intentional time together in each place. We only have limited space, but we hope to make this an annual event so more of you can join each year.  Praying you can make it!"


- Matt Chandler

Together as a church we will walk where Jesus walked and experience scripture in the places where it all happened. We look forward to sharing this journey with you and growing deeper in our love for Jesus and his word. 


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